Art Renewal Center

Painting and drawing in a realistic style.

“To promote a return of training, standards and excellence in the visual arts. … To disseminate the rich artistic heritage of 2500 years of accumulated knowledge in creating traditional, realistic images touching upon universal and timeless themes.”

12 Rules for Learning Foreign Languages in Record Time

From the Tim Ferris 4 hour workweek blog written by Benny Lewis.

#1 – Learn the right words, the right way.
#2 – Learn cognates: your friend in every single language.
#3 – Interact in your language daily without traveling.
#4 – Skype today for daily spoken practice.
#5 – Save your money. The best resources are free.
#6 – Realize that adults are actually better language learners than kids.
#7 – Expand your vocabulary with mnemonics.
#8 – Embrace mistakes.
#9 – Create SMART goals.
#10 – Jump from Conversational (B1) to Mastery (C2).
#11 – Learn to sound more native.
#12 – Become a polyglot.

nervous systems

“we are attracted to complex and unconventional geometries. Our inspirations are grounded in the natural forms and corresponding processes which construct the world around us. From coral aggregations to interference patterns, a study of natural phenomena is an essential ingredient to our design process.

To evolve such forms, we systematically engage in generative processes. Instead of designing a specific form, we craft a system whose result is a myriad of distinct creations. .”

Super Cat Alcohol stove

“The Super Cat is a small, lightweight and easy to make/use alcohol stove. Originally designed in 2004 by Jim Wood, this is considered as one of the smallest and most powerful alcohol stove designs available. Even better – it’s by far the easiest to make. A $.50 can of cat food and a paper hole punch is all that’s needed.”